Thursday, February 24, 2005

Everything stops for the president

In times of old everything stopped for the king, queen, or even the emperor of whatever country one would reside in, but not anymore. Now everything and I mean everything stops for the president of the United States. It was a source of never ending amusement being in Brussels this week, as the whole city pretty much shut down due the presence of there esteemed guest ... Incredible it was. I was with a client when the cavalcade drove past on the way to the airport, it latest no less than 15 minutes. Now who on earth needs that many people in tow?. The Belgium press were reporting that the President had brought no less than 800 staff and body guards with him .... to do what exactly?, I think maybe he was considering a military coo or perhaps he's simply determined to control the world price of chocolate? .... Whatever his motives, bless him like most yanks he knows how to travel light!

I noticed airforce 1 on the pan @ Brussels airport as we taxied out to take off, impressive and understated it was, all adorned with United States of America on the side ... very subtle!. I do also like the way that they brought the little sister plane along as well (which probably holds another 300+ yanks - I think it was a 7x7) .... however, I couldn't help but wonder if the little plane was for the bodyguards or the wife?...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

George W Bush may be many thing but he is not a pigeon. The word you are looking for is coup and not coo.

12:51 pm  

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