Its that time of year to grumble about work ... if I'm really honest
I'm fed up!. I suppose I should consider myself grateful to have a job
given the upheavals this years, but I don't really. If anything my
career has come full circle again, and I'm now doing little more than I
was a year ago, only under less advantageous conditions. So really,
nothing but a giant leap backwards in my view.
Whilst I have to be sensitive to the needs of the business (as my salary
pays my mortgage), its frustrating to say the least. I've always tried
hard to push the envelope of were I am, push the comfort zone if you
like. The rationale being that by doing so it will thereby lead to
hopefully a degree of advancement. But, when that advancement is, and
has become cyclical in nature it hard to motivate myself to bother.
As an example, I've started to study for an MBA, the challenge to me at
the moment is not the study itself (although am sure this will be a
challenge at some stage), its more around finding a true application for
anything I learn. Its therefore making me ask why am I investing the
time and effort, equally why is someone else investing, as its currently
obvious little practical benefit will be felt.
In addition, I, like many of my peers are feeling the inequity of
work/life balance. The pendulum has swing truly in the favor of work,
and I can't honestly see this changing. The result is increased stress,
which I guess raises the question how long will I absorb this inequality?.
Ah well, I guess I am like thousands of other people, thoroughly p**d
off at work. Not sure I have an answer, but one to think about. Watch
this space ....