Saturday, October 22, 2005

Would you know it, tax man generosity?

Would you know it, the tax man is in fact a generous man!. This I know,
as he kindly gave me a rebate yesterday ... OK, so its not a massive
sum, and I'll not be retiring on it. But its better in my pocket than in
the coffers of the treasury ...

Happy today I am :)

Monday, October 17, 2005


What a messy weekend this last one was. Lots of options were open to
me for a change, all of which included vast quantity's of alcohol. I
decided in the end to venture home, to watch Leeds play in the Super
League grand final at Old Trafford. Unfortunately, they lost, but the
day was so chaotic I've still a hangover today.

The downside of course is that in order to watch the lads play I had to
forgo a night on the tiles in Leamington in celebration of John H's
birthday. So happy birthday John, hope you have a good one!

Friday, October 14, 2005


Myself and a few past and present member's of the 'firm' took the opportunity last night to go and see Serenity.

Its a spin off from a sci-fi tv series called firefly, which to be honest I'd never seen. However, to say I'm not really into space/scifi type things (just a little to geeky for me), I really enjoyed it. There was an evident element of whit in the production, which you just don't get in star-trek .... so all in all was pleasantly surprised. Worth the price of the ticket and I might now watch the series rerun on the Sci-fi channel.

Might add, went to pizzahut before hand, had a veggia 'hot one' which was anything but hot ... nevermind.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


You know an MBA is not something I ever really considered, that is with
any great seriousness anyway. This is probably especially true if you
view that my 'academic' background is in social sciences (sports
Science and Criminology) rather than anything business orientated. Sure,
I've an Msc, so pretty confident I've the required academic acumen to
complete, but thats probably only part of the question.

So therefore before I ventured off on holiday I was surprised to be
offered the opportunity to 'apply' for our corporate MBA program,
(sponsored by work), I was even more surprised to come back, to find a
confirmed place awaiting me. To be honest at the back of my mind I only
really agreed to apply based on my own assumption I wouldn't be
successful. So a quandary now arises, do I really want to go down this
route?. The clear plus side is its free, its regarded quite highly I
guess and probably will do lots to accelerate my career. Downside, lots
and lots of work - especially as its an area in which I've little or no
background. Sure, I studied economics as part of my first degree, but
this is long forgotten and was only done in a pathetic attempt to make
my degree appear less Micky Mouse to prospective employers.

So what do I do?, this is the question to ask myself. The prospect of
the challenge interests me, especially as I'm bound to learn something
new. On the other hand, do I really want to pursue all that study again
.... the quandary, any thoughts anyone?

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Grand Final

Leeds achieved what it has to be said no one expected last night, and
booked a place in the Rugby League Grand final. Old Trafford is in there
sights for the second successive year, as they aim to defend the
champions tag.

It was a great game last night, as Saints very nearly snatched a win the
dieing seconds. Who'll we'll play is open for grabs, with Saints, Hull
and Bradford still in the running. My money is on Bradford, as the
current form team. Eitherway, its another big day out in store for me
and the boys - tickets have been secured ....