You know an MBA is not something I ever really considered, that is with
any great seriousness anyway. This is probably especially true if you
view that my 'academic' background is in social sciences (sports
Science and Criminology) rather than anything business orientated. Sure,
I've an Msc, so pretty confident I've the required academic acumen to
complete, but thats probably only part of the question.
So therefore before I ventured off on holiday I was surprised to be
offered the opportunity to 'apply' for our corporate MBA program,
(sponsored by work), I was even more surprised to come back, to find a
confirmed place awaiting me. To be honest at the back of my mind I only
really agreed to apply based on my own assumption I wouldn't be
successful. So a quandary now arises, do I really want to go down this
route?. The clear plus side is its free, its regarded quite highly I
guess and probably will do lots to accelerate my career. Downside, lots
and lots of work - especially as its an area in which I've little or no
background. Sure, I studied economics as part of my first degree, but
this is long forgotten and was only done in a pathetic attempt to make
my degree appear less Micky Mouse to prospective employers.
So what do I do?, this is the question to ask myself. The prospect of
the challenge interests me, especially as I'm bound to learn something
new. On the other hand, do I really want to pursue all that study again
.... the quandary, any thoughts anyone?