Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Today's a sad day

Today's a very sad day for the family, yet I can't help but also feel its one filled with great relief. For those that read my updates regularly, you'll know my older brother has been in Iraq for over a year now. Knowing full well the dangers he faces, you almost come to terms with the fact that he's in harms way. Today altered the reality of that. The base were he's been operating from for the last few months came under attack today and great deal of casualties resulted. (reported by the BBC)

This truly does bring home the reality that he really is in harms way. For our family its with relief that I write this, as my brother arrived back in the UK safe and sound yesterday. But from having just spoken to him, a large number of his friends and colleagues were not so fortunate. My thoughts go out to them, there family's and there friends.

A sad day.......


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