another bloody essay
You know I could have sworn a few years ago I was never going to write
another essay. Well here I am doing just that all over again. Good news
is the latest one is done and dusted ... only another 6 more to do :)
You know I could have sworn a few years ago I was never going to write
another essay. Well here I am doing just that all over again. Good news
is the latest one is done and dusted ... only another 6 more to do :)
I've not blogged for what seems to be an age, what with my various
studies I've just not had time (well thats my excuse anyway). So I thought I
endevour to try again, and what better way than with some good news.
I've passed the CISSP*, which I can honestly say was one of the toughest
things I've ever done. So its well done me!
*CISSP - Certified Information Systems Security Professional,